The Happygolitely Project

I realize, a little more each day, how important it is for us all to reach out to each other, to support each other, to show one another we care. We are all part of the same; we are all human; we are stronger together. When we feel united, we feel happier for the sense of connection.

An idea popped into my head to create ‘a little happy’ that could be given/shared. Then it came to me to make this a social experiment. To somehow get these little happys out to people so that they could give them to whomever they felt needed it. I knew some people would give them to friends or family who were having a bad day or needed a boost; but my grander vision was that people would pass these on spontaneously to seeming strangers –

-to anyone who looked like they would benefit from a small gesture, a little happy, that came out of the blue & proved to them someone cared, the Universe cares.

Then I came up with our tag-line:

“A Little Happy Goes a Long Way”

I hope these Little Happys span the globe – to travel over continents & bodies of water, over cultural differences & language barriers, past financial problems & economic crises, through the hands of people who would otherwise remain unconnected.

Please send me your Happy Little Story – tell me how far your Little Happy traveled – tell me who you shared yours with – tell me who shared theirs with you. Let's all create a web of happiness as far as we can imagine.

In happiness, ~girlgolite♥

Monday, March 9, 2009

Little Happy goes to Mexico!

Que divertido!

A Little Happy was shared in Mexico - yay! The picture above shows Carlos, a lovely man down in San Felipe, Baja California. My husband was down there for a quick trip and spotted Carlos selling magazines and odds and ends out of his trunk. He also noticed that Carlos gave a big smile and a thumbs up to everyone who passed by - no matter whether they stopped to buy anything or not - he was a human drop of sunshine. Definitely a fellow deserving of a Little Happy of recognition.
Coincidentally - or not (???) - our newest Happy Ambassador is from Tennessee - and do you see what's written on Carlos' sweatshirt? Imagine that.
And the Contest I promised to provide details for? Have me mail you (for free) one Little Happy - it'll be numbered. The contest is to see who can make their Little Happy travel the farthest and widest by mailing it someone you know...and they mail it on to someone they know...and so on and so on and so on... Each person who receives the Happy, if possible, is to take a picture of Little Happy somewhere in their area - at home, downtown, in front of a famous landmark - wherever - then email the photo to me at After they've taken the picture and enjoyed Happy for a few days, they mail it on to the person of their choice - and the chain of happiness will grow! I'll keep all photos in a gallery we can all enjoy and the contest results will be continually updated and we hope to create a map to show the flight patterns of our Happys (cute husband who went to Mexico is in charge of that technical step). The numbers on the Happys will help us keep them all straight. I'll be posting the contest details in a few other online places - we'll see who decides to join in the fun.
I'll be fleshing out further details over the next day or so and I'll post a pic of the contest packets I'll be mailing out.

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